All participants

PI and co-PIs

  • Anne Maria Eikeset (PI) (CV)
  • Brynhildur Davidsdottir (co-PI) (CV)
  • Wiebren Boonstra (co-PI) (CV)

Node leaders

- Nordic countries

1. Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES): Anne Maria Eikeset (CV)

2. Dept. of Political Science, UiO (DPS): Arild Underdal (CV)

3. Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC): Carl Folke (CV)

4. Univ. of Iceland, with Institute of Economic Studies (IoES) and Institute of Sustainability Studies (ISS): Brynhildur Davidsdottir (CV)

5. Innovative Fisheries Management, Univ. of Aalborg (IFM): Alyne Delaney (CV)

6. Eastern Finland University (EF): Markku Tykkyläinen (CV)


- Non-Nordic countries

7. Princeton University (PU): Simon Levin (CV)

8. Rutgers University (RU): Malin Pinsky (CV)

9. Moscow State University (MSU): Elena Rovenskaya (CV)


- Collaborating institutions

10. Wageningen University (WU): Andries Richter (CV)

11. International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA): Leena Ilmola (CV)


Work Package (WP) leaders

WP1 – Research cluster 1:

Disentangling the causal complexity of global change affecting Arctic marine and coastal regions

Helga Ögmundardóttir (ISS) (CV) and James Watson (SRC) (CV)


WP2 – Research cluster 2:

Understanding the diversity, resilience, and effectiveness of responses to global change in Arctic marine and coastal regions

Astrid Dannenberg (PU) (CV) and Rikke Becke Jakobsen (IFM) (CV)


WP3 – Cross-cutting theme 1:

Global-local interaction – Identifying challenges and opportunities

Anne Maria Eikeset (CEES) (CVand Wiebren Boonstra (SRC) (CV)


WP4 – Cross-cutting theme 2:

Policy leverage points for change

Anne Maria Eikeset (CEES) (CVand Brynhildur Davidsdottir (IoES) (CV)




Industrial, political, educational and cultural partners and collaborators


World Ocean Council

The Arctic Council (including CAFF (Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna) and PAME (Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment))


- Norway:

Havfisk ASA

Marine Harvest


DNB Savings Bank Foundation´s capital ("Sparebankstiftelsen")

SALT science - fresh ideas

Arctic Frontiers


- Iceland:

Eimskip (shipping firm)

Arctic Circle Assembly


- Sweden:

EAT Forum, World Business Council


Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)

Published Mar. 4, 2015 3:01 PM - Last modified Mar. 6, 2024 2:09 PM