PhD/MSc theses

Would you like to do your Master thesis in theoretical physics, in the area of (astro)particle physics or cosmology? Just send me an email, indicating your background and interests, such that we can meet and discuss a suitable project!

There are currently no open PhD or postdoc positions available. (But contact me if you are interested in applying for national or European funding, in order to join us with a personal grant in an area connected to dark matter !)

Currently ongoing thesis projects

[titles are preliminary]

  • Dark matter production through kinetic mixing (MSc cand. Simon Nordensteen)
  • Probing gravitational signatures of dark matter (PhD cand. Halvor Melkild)
  • Testing new physics with gravitational probes (PhD cand. Jake Gordin)

Previous PhD theses

Previous MSc theses

Published Mar. 17, 2016 7:28 PM - Last modified Feb. 28, 2024 9:36 AM