Access to the facilities

Here you will find information on how to access the facilities, regulations for the use of the laboratories, and contact points.

Image: A cathodoluminiscence image of a Zircon grain from a volcanic tuff. Image: Lars Eivind Augland, UiO

A cathodoluminiscence image of a Zircon grain from a volcanic tuff. Image: Lars Eivind Augland, UiO

Access to the facilities and services

The UiO infrastructures in the laboratory will use the BookitLab booking system. This system is currently being developed and will be fully implemented soon. Meanwhile, for access information and booking visit the individual webpages of each lab node.

Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (ID-TIMS)

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

Noble Gas Mass Spectrometer (NGMS)

Optical Microscopy and Image Analysis

Access modes and user responsibilities

The facilities at the Goldschmidt Lab are accessible as physical access (hands-on), and as a remote service (send-in-sample). There are user responsibilities for use of the facilities. Read more about both conditions and regulations in the following links:

Goldschmidt Lab`s two access modes

User responsibilities for the Goldschmidt Lab 

Contact information

Find the contact points for the lab technical personnel at the individual lab webpages in the Goldschmidt infrastructure below:

Contact points for the Goldschmidt Laboratory Cluster

About the laboratory

Information about the Goldschmidt Laboratory is on WWW. The URL for the web site for the laboratory, please visit:

Published Nov. 1, 2021 11:31 AM - Last modified May 13, 2024 2:34 PM