SinoTropia Workshop

This was a workshop heldt at RCEES on January 10th to 11th, 2013, to look at the data and see what they were telling us and discuss how to proceed

Photo: Rigmor Johnsen

WP4 in intense discussion

Agenda SinoTropia workshop

Thursday January 10th

Chair: Rigmor Johnsen SINCIERE

09:00 Welcome
09:05 Introduction to the SinoTropia project: Rolf D. Vogt
09:45 Studies of the watershed - Results so far: Dr. Xueqiang Lu
10:30 Studies of the reservoir – Results so far: Dr. Yang Min
11:00 Studies of the society – Results so far: Dr. Geir Orderud
11:30 Discussion

12:00 Lunch out with invited guests

Afternoon workshop

The point with this session is not to report on what we have done but to take status of what we have achieved and what is still missing, as well as to interpret what we have of data to see what we can learn.

Chair: Rolf Vogt

Work Package 1:   Field sampling and chemical analysis 

13:30 Water quality of Yuqiao Reservoir’s background and monitoring data: PhD Zhou Bin

13:50 Results of the intercalibration: Dr. Oddvar Røyset

Work Package 2:   Catchment processes - the influence of land-use and hydrology on nutrient fluxes into aquatic systems.

14:10 What are the data of soil and water in the catchment telling us so far? Prof. Rolf D. Vogt

14:30 The algae and water quality monitoring in Yuqiao Reservior: Dr. An Wei

14:50 Coffey break

Work Package 3:   Modelling of processes

14:00 Introduction and latest progress of SWAT model: PhD Zhou Bin

14:20 Progress on the MyLake modelling preparation: Prof Tom Andersen

Work Package 4:           Societal processes and management procedures

14:40 Results from the surveys: Dr. Geir Orderud

15:10 Transition from survey to interviews: Dr. LUO Jing

15:20 Coffey break

Work Package 5:           Nutrient management plan for Yuqiao reservoir

15:30 Consideration of synergistic and/or antagonistic effect on greenhouse gas sequestration of abatement actions for reducing eutrophication: Dr. Binghui Tian

15:40 Apply the Circular Economy approach with nutrient at its cores, taking into account fluxes and reservoirs of their hydro-biogeochemical cycle assessed in WP2 & 3 and the management issues of WP4 – discussing the issue of scale: Prof Xueqiang Lu

16:00 Summing up the day: Prof. Rolf D. Vogt

Friday January 11th

Plenum session

The point with this session is to identify our status and what we need to focus on

09:00 Status relative to Task list: Prof. Rolf D. Vogt

09:30 Discussion regarding missing data and tasks that are lagging behind.

Parallel group work

The point with this group work is for each of the WP to address their challenges and make plans and delegate responsibilities and deadlines

10:00 – 12:00 WP Group work addressing the challenges and planning future work

12:00 Lunchbox

Presentations of future plans in plenum by WP leaders

13:00 WP1: Dr. Yang

13:30 WP2: Prof. Vogt

14:00 WP3: Prof. Andersen

14:30 WP4: Dr. Orderud

15:00 WP5: Dr. Lu

15:30 Discuss how to generate co-authored papers

16:00 End of workshop

By Rolf D. Vogt
Published Feb. 25, 2013 12:49 PM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2013 9:00 AM