Presentations of the SinoTropia project in 2015

Dissemination measures for users

Reports, memoranda, articles, presentations held at meetings/conferences for project target groups (public sector, trade and industry, organisations)


Final Project Conference

Date: Tuesday March 24th, 2015                  Venue:  XiJiao Hotel

Kveseth, Kari. Setting the scene - Some perspectives on research cooperaton 

Ming, Yang. Eutrophication in China – the broader context


Lu, Xueqiang. Yuqiao Reservoir and its nutrient management


Vogt, R.D, An, W., Andersen, T., Bin, Z.., Deng, X., Jiahua, P., Johnsen, R., Lu, X., Luo, J., Meng, L., Ming, S., Mohr, C.W., Naustdalslid, J., Orderud, G., Qimin, P., Røyseth, O., Tan, H., Tian, B., Tominanga, K., Wang, J., Wibetoe, G., Yang, M.,SinoTropia - Watershed Eutropication management in China through system oriented process modelling of pressures, impacts and abatement measures 


Ming, Su and Andersen, Tom: Yuqiao phytoplangton


Ming, Su, Tominaga, Koji and Andersen, Tom. Yuqiao modelling 


Vogt R.D., Bin, Z., Yang, M., Lu, X., Andersen, T., Orderud, G.: Drivers and pressures governing transport of phosphorous fractions


Bin, Z., Vogt, R.D., Xu, C-Y., Lu, X., Modelling of the potential phosphorus leaching risk from micro to macro scale


Luo: Barriers and thresholds towards actions abating eutrophication

Orderud, Geir. Policy suggestions



SinoTropia Paper preparation workshop


Date: Tuesday March 25th, 2015                            Venue:  RCEES, Ecology building

Bin, Zhu: Land use change and its effects on the variation of Phosphorus level in targeted reservoir: a case study of a strongly agriculturally influenced watershed

Mohr, Christian: Passive Sampling of Dissolved Reactive P (DRP) and Low-Molecular-Weight Organic P (LMWOP) by Diffusive Gradients in Thin films (DGT)

Min, Su: Impact assessment of nutrient concentration changes on algal competition  and odor occurrence in a drinking water reservoir accepting South-to-North Water Diversion based on ecological niche theory

Tan Hongze, The pollution caused by the protection: the unintended consequences of the local governance of the urban drinking-water source protection in Tianjin, China

Orderud, Geir: Contact network, learning and literacy






Published Apr. 1, 2015 6:52 PM - Last modified Aug. 13, 2015 3:50 PM