ASGARD Math 2024

The 5th Scandinavian Gathering Around Remarkable Discrete Mathematics

The ASGARD Math meetings are yearly meetings aimed at bringing together mathematicians interested in algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, discrete mathematics, and related fields. 


The event will consist of two mini-courses with exercise sessions, as well as talks contributed by participants. Proposals for talks are submitted with your registration. 


Students and young researchers are particularly encouraged to participate.


To register and submit a proposal for a talk please fill out this registration form.

Deadline for submission of talk proposals and applications for funding support is the 14th of March, 2024 (Happy Pi Day!). Deadline for registration without support is the 19th of May, 2024.

We will cover the accommodation of the speakers.  A limited number of hotel rooms have also been set aside that can be reserved for other participants. Note that these hotel rooms should be reserved before April 22nd. Some funding is available to support the travel and accommodation costs of early career participants. 

Mini Courses 

Toric arrangements and equivariant matroid theory Emanuele Delucchi (IDSIA USI/SUPSI, University of applied Arts and Sciences of Southern Switzerland) 

Annotated slides: Lecture 1 PDF      Lecture 2 PDF      Lecture 3 PDF

Latex lecture notes with slides

Toric vector bundles Milena Hering (Edinburgh University)

Milena Hering's course has unfortunately been cancelled. Please see the updated schedule for the new time slots and activities. 


Mathematical Introductions - This session will be a mathematical ice breaker. We will gather in small groups and each participant will have a set amount of time to deliver an informal introduction to their mathematical interests. Questions and interruption will be invited from the other participants, while still respecting the "speakers" time. We prefer that you make no special preparations so that this can act as an informal conversation that can be adapted to the members of your group. 

Q&A session - This session will invite questions (openly and anonymously) from participants about mathematical definitions, examples, and clarification questions. The aim is not to focus on open problems or research questions but to fill in background knowledge. We then hope that these questions can be answered during the session or that small groups are organised for short discussions afterwards. Our hope is that the collective knowledge in the room can help us fill our gaps! 

Contributed talks

The titles and abstract for the contributed talks are found here.


Felipe Rincón (Queen Mary University of London)

Kris Shaw (University of Oslo)


This event is part of the ACTING project (Algebraic and topological cycles in tropical and complex geometry), which is supported by the Trond Mohn Foundation's Mathematics Programme.  

Published Mar. 1, 2024 12:43 PM - Last modified June 10, 2024 1:56 PM