Writing Science 2018

What: Learn how to write about physics and engineering

Where: Every Monday from 14.15-15.00 at Origo

Who: First year Master students (second year students and PhDs are welcome)


Paper 1 - Paper 2 - Paper 3 - Project plan - For Teachers

August 27. Introduction.

Bring your laptop, a pen and some paper. We will write about expectations and motivations for studying physics and electronics, and practice writing a bad first draft. 

Optional and anonymous submission of your text.


Paper 1 – September 3., 10. and 17.

NB: On September 17 we will meet from 15.15-16.00

We will spend the three weeks writing about a published research article, and read and comment on each other's summaries. The aim is to get familiar with an academic paper and learn to describe the results and findings using your own words. 

You must read the assigned paper before Monday September 3.

Biological and Medical Physics
Abravan, A., Eide, H.A., Løndalen, A.M. et al. (2018). Mapping Bone Marrow Response in the Vertebral Column by Positron Emission Tomography Following Radiotherapy and Erlotinib Therapy of Lung Cancer. Mol Imaging Biol. LINK

Didactic Physics: 
Bungum, Berit & Tellefsen, Cathrine Wahlstrøm (2016). Bruk av språk og diskusjoner for å fremme elevers forståelse i kvantefysikk gjennom digitale ressurser. Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk & kritikk 2(1), s 2- 16. LINK

Materials, Nanophysics and Quantum Technology:
Jonne V. Koski, Ville F. Maisi, Jukka P. Pekola, and Dmitri V. Averin. (2014) Experimental realization of a Szilard engine with a single electron. PNAS September 23, 2014. LINK

Nuclear and Particle Physics:
Origin of the heavy elements in binary neutron-star mergers from a gravitational-wave event (2017) Daniel Kasen, Brian Metzger, Jennifer Barnes, Eliot Quataert & Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz. Nature volume 551 LINK

Space Physics and Space Technology:
Brian J. Anderson, Kazue Takahashi, Bruce A. Toth. (2000) Sensing global Birkeland currents with iridium® engineering magnetometer data. Geophysical Research Letters. LINK

Theoretical Physics
J.M. Leinaas and J. Myrheim. (1977) “On the theory of identical particles”, Il Nuovo Cimento B 37, 1 LINK

ELITE: Microelectronics and sensor technology AND Signal processing and imaging:
Rindal, Aakhus, Holm, Austeng. (2017) Hypothesis of Improved Visualization of Microstructures in the Interventricular Septum with Ultrasound and Adaptive Beamforming, Ultras Med Biol. LINK


Paper 2 – September 24., October 1. and 8.

We focus on the structure of the paper. Read the assigned paper before September 24. 

Biological and Medical Physics:
Consuelo Guardiola, Yolanda Prezado, Christophe Roulin, Judith W.J. Bergs, (2018) Effect of X-ray minibeam radiation therapy on clonogenic survival of glioma cells, Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology LINK

Didactic Physics:
Close, E. W., Conn, J., & Close, H. G. (2016). Becoming physics people: Development of integrated physics identity through the Learning Assistant experience. Physical Review Physics Education Research LINK 

Materials, Nanophysics and Quantum Technology:
M. Mikelsen, E. V. Monakhov, G. Alfieri, B. S. Avset, and B. G. Svensson. (2005). Kinetics of divacancy annealing and divacancy-oxygen formation in oxygen-enriched high-purity silicon. Pysical Review B LINK

Nuclear and Particle Physics:
Studies of pear-shaped nuclei using accelerated radioactive beams (2013) L. P. Gaffney, P. A. Butler, M. Zielinska. Nature. LINK

High-Energy Physics:
A Particle Consistent with the Higgs Boson Observed with the ATLAS Detector at the Large Hadron Collider.  (2012) The ATLAS Collaboration. LINK

Space Physics and Space Technology:
M. P. Freeman, S. K. Morley. (2004). A minimal substorm model that explains the observed statistical distribution of times between substorms. Geophysical Research Letters LINK

Theoretical Physics:
L. Kadanoff, (1966) Scaling laws for Ising models near Tc, Physics 2, 263, LINK

Microelectronics and sensor technology AND Signal processing and imaging:
Hansen, Lyons, Sæbø, Callow, Cook, (2014) The Effect of Internal Wave-Related Features on Synthetic Aperture Sonar. IEEE Oceanic Eng. LINK


October 15. Information from study section. 


Paper 3 – October 22. and 29. November 5.

We focus on argumentation and critical reading of a published paper.

Reading assignments:

All students: 
Donna Strickland and Gerard Mourou. (1985) Compression of Amplified Chirped Optical Pulses. Optics Communications, Vol. 56, Nr 3. LINK

You may also read the scientific summary (pdf) and the popular science summary (pdf) written by the Nobel prize committee.


Project Plan – November 12., 19. and 26.

Workshops and group work to write your own project plan. Give and get feedback from fellow students.


December 1. Deadline for submitting your project plan

For Teachers

Do you want to include more writing in your classes? You are welcome to use the assignments developed for Writing Science! 

The assignments were developed as journal clubs spanning three weeks. Students read, discussed and wrote about three relevant scientific articles before they started writing their own project plans.

The assignments related to paper 1 and paper 2 helped students write a summary of the scientific article. The assignments related to paper 3 helped students write an argumentative text based on the scientific article.

You can download the assignments from the top right corner on this page. You are welcome to adapt the individual exercises to fit with your specific need. Feel free to get in touch with the Academic Writing Centre for more information and help with teaching with writing.

Av Åsmund H. Eikenes
Publisert 24. aug. 2018 08:45 - Sist endret 13. mai 2020 10:20