Lecture Notes, Exercises, Obligs, Exam Sets for various courses given by Hjort

In the process of being collected here, Nils Collection after Nils Collection: These are Lecture Notes & Exercises & Obligs & Exam Sets, from various Master's and PhD level courses, from Bootstrapping 1990 to Time Series 2022. The "Nils Exam Projects" have some moderate fame, among the many students who have taken my courses over the years; these are strenuous and challenging two-week type exam projects, involving real data stories, and where detailed and well-written project reports are required. Empirically speaking, students work hard with these exam projects, learn a lot, remember them thirty years later ... and tend to get good grades. 

If you use some of this material, for your courses or in your research, please credit me; thanks.

Image may contain: Handwriting, Sleeve, Blackboard, Smile, Chalk.
By Nils Lid Hjort
Published June 26, 2022 5:35 PM - Last modified June 7, 2024 9:25 PM